Neumz is the only complete recording of all Gregorian Chant in the world. More than 7000 hours in an App for iOS and Android.
The entire Gregorian chant repertory, recorded by the community of Benedictine nuns of the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fidélité of Jouques, in French Provence.
Each chant is synchronised with its square-note score, the Latin text, and its translation into the user’s language.
Neumz is the first and only complete recording and the first complete digital resource for liturgical materials. The contents of the Psalter, Lectionary, Collectary, Antiphonary, Responsoriary, and Gradual are assembled into a 21st-century multimedia “Liber Digitalis”.

Neumz is the largest recording project ever undertaken.
From a hill that rises above the banks of the Durance River, this community of forty-five nuns at the Abbey of Jouques lives withdrawn from the bustle of modern life, in communion with nature and in quiet contemplation. Their life is regularized by the rhythm of ora et labora, prayer and work, the centerpiece of the Rule of St. Benedict. Their days are divided by the regular Offices of the Liturgy of the Hours and include daily Mass.
Their years follow the Earth’s seasons and the Liturgical Calendar, a cycle of feast days that celebrate the Church’s Saints through which they meditate on Holy Scripture. The complete project covers three years of recordings. It presents the entire Gregorian repertoire, including thousands of pieces (the equivalent of more than 7000 CDs).

“… the recordings of clear unaccompanied voices are speckled with authentic sounds such as the creak of wooden benches, the occasional coughing or dropping of prayer books and bell chimes.”

“French Benedictine nuns have posted on the internet more than 7,000 hours of Gregorian chants after agreeing to take part in what is said to be the biggest recording project in history.”

“The Neumz project sees recordings by the nuns of Provence’s Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fidélité de Jouques paired with original notation and words, translated into the user’s language. There will be the equivalent of 7,000 discs worth of music available to discover, with an iOS and Android app planned later in 2020.”

“An abbey of French Benedictine nuns is taking part in the largest recording project in history, bringing the complete Gregorian chant to the modern world and breathing new life into an extraordinary 1,200-year-old tradition.”